Specialty Sampler Pack
Regular price $32.50This is a collection of our most premium single origin coffees. Includes five 100g sample bags. Each bag will make a typical pot in a home brewer (64 oz) or 2 french presses.
Nicaragua Anaerobic: This special coffee has an interesting processing method. After most of the fruit from the coffee cherry is washed away, the beans are placed into sealed containers for a short fermentation period. This creates a unique coffee with a burst of bright lime-like flavour.
Bolivia Yungas: The country’s entire crop is less than one of its neighbour Brazil’s larger coffee farms, or less than 0.1% of world coffee.This coffee is known as a clean coffee, more on the chocolate side than fruity. Our Bolivia is roasted at 435, making it a medium roast. You can taste notes of caramel wafer and dark chocolate truffle.
Sumatra Mandheling: The traditional method of processing coffee in Sumatra is known as Giling Basah, or semi-washed, and is a combination of the regular washed and natural processes. This technique reduces the acidity in the bean, makes a heavier body in the cup and creates earthy and tobacco-like flavours. These characteristics hold up and work well in one of our darker roasts. Since coffee in Sumatra is rarely separated into different lots at origin, the growing altitude varies. We roasted this coffee at 452 degrees to bring out the rich, nutmeg and malted grain flavours.
Costa Rica Yellow Honey Process: During the Honey process the coffee mucilage is left on the bean and not washed away. This specialty process creates a unique identity and taste into the coffee and once dried the sugars from the mucilage impart a distinct sweet flavour for the coffee.
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe: These beans are often small and need to be roasted delicately and with care and this can be quite tricky. We chose to roast these beans light to enhance the distinctive floral notes. You will experience flavours like berries, chocolate and wine.